Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Information Revolution

Short Video: Information Revolution

Technologies improved the way that knowledge is stored, created and shared.

In the past, the way to find information is mainly from books or some paperworks. It is time-consuming. To store the information is also space-demanding.

With the use of information technologies, we can search information through the internet. It is more fast and convinent. We can even know more knowledge because what we want to know can be found on the internet within a second. We do not need to search the informaion from different books any more. Just lilke the search engine, Google, just type a word you want and thousands, or even millions of information will be shown.

Websites, blogs can let people to create more information and at the same time, share more information to others. After an anticle has been posted online, many people can read and leave comments freely. If there is no restriction, everyone can share their own feelings. There is no limit for sharing. Technologies encourage more creation and sharing.

With the faster searching process, more time can be saved and it can help to improve the efficiency of work. So that technologies help to improve the way that knowledge is stored, created and shared and also help to improve the life of people.

On the other hand, information technology also bring some adverse effect. As it is easy to share things on internet, there may be some fake information shown online. Also, things post on the internet can be easily changed, it is easy to add or delete the words. So the reliability for the information online is uncertain.

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